We are natural thinkers

Nursery and Reception have transformed their garden this year with their gardening skills. They have grown mushrooms, potatoes, beans, peas, sweet corn, lettuce, strawberries and so much more. What an amazing journey!

Iris said “We need to wait for the potatoes to grow so we can eat them, potatoes are for eating. Dareen pointed out that “The potatoes are all grey and we need to wait for them to turn white.” Everly stated “The tomatoes are green, we eat red tomatoes. Laila added that “We have strawberries and we can eat them when they are red too.” Anissa said the tomatoes were “Very green and they look very very yummy! What great observations the children have made. I wonder what growing we’ll do next year?

The Sun Shined on Sports Day

Wow! What fabulous weather we had in the midst of floods and torrential rain that we have had this week in Nursery. Our Early Years Sports Day was sensational and we would like to take this opportunity to thank our parents for all their support and let’s also congratulate the children who worked so hard. We all celebrated with a lovely picnic, what a fun day!

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Saying “Goodbye.”

This week we said goodbye to our Erasmus European Visitors, and we said goodbye to our butterflies!

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Bye Bye Butterflies!

The butterflies stayed quite a while until they finally fluttered away. We really looked after them and it was amazing watching them change.

Children don’t forget to tell your families all about it. We hope to see them in our gorgeous garden as we have planted flowers that they love! This week we will be completing our ‘Minibeasts’ topic.

What have you learnt?

What was your favourite activity?

I wonder what else we could find out?

Lets learn this song!



big bird


Practise your letter formation here!


Marvellous Maths

This week we will be celebrating our mathematics open day. We are really looking forward to seeing lots of parents attend and see what we have been learning in Nursery. Why don’t you challenge yourself with these mathematical games? They start easy but get more challenging. Which game do you like best and why?

Our Maths Day was fantastic, look at how much fun we had!

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Number Recognition & Ordering

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Estimation and Measures

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Natural Thinkers Enterprise Event



What do we learn when we are outside?

We had an amazing enterprise event in early years on Friday. We sold a fantastic amount of goods thanks to the generosity of parents and staff and on the last count made £85 profit. We will use this money to purchase more equipment and resources for our outside learning.

Parents joined their children in a variety of activities, engaging with the outside and lots of natural resources. It was a beautiful sunny day and we had an amazing turnout. The Early Years Team would like to thank all the parents for their support, the Year 6 children that ran our shop and the foundation stage children for all their hard work, making the resources to sell and sharing all they have learnt with their parents.

What were we selling?

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What activities did we enjoy?

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What a fabulous day! Watch this space for even more exciting outside projects!

Countdown to our ‘Enterprise Event’.


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This week Nursery have been preparing for our enterprise event and will incorporate our ‘Natural Thinkers’ experiences too. We have been continuing to develop our garden by building a fabulous bug hotel, with a space for birds to have a bath and to gather some seeds to eat from the bird feeders.

We have planted tomatoes, peas, sweet corn and beans. To add to our strawberries and potatoes that are flourishing. We have been planting shrubs that attract butterflies and bees to enhance our wildlife area.

We have also been exploring our creativity outside by making clay minibeasts, transient art, symmetrical and pattern art.

What a fun packed week. Watch this space to find out how enterprising we were!


We have been exploring the painting program on the JiT2e. The children have explored  choosing a background, images, colours as well as recording their thoughts about their pictures using the microphone. Why don’t you explore the program here.



UN Convention for the Rights of the child, Article 12 focuses on the importance of respecting the opinions of children. Article 13 values the freedom of expression, to develop these rights in nursery we often hold votes to make ‘fair’whole class choices.

Last week we held a vote about what we wanted to turn our role play area into. The children got ideas from the Internet and then we shortlisted our ideas to a hairdressers, doctors, superheroes den, a shop and a baby clinic. The children all had a post-it note and placed it onto a bar chart. Superheroes was the resounding victor.

Then we brainstormed what we would need to put into the area. The children helped to decorate and gather the resources.

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We worked cooperatively to set up the area this week, Article 31 stresses the importance of having the right to play, what a fantastic place to develop our imaginative play. I wonder what adventures we will have next week, watch this space!